There’s nothing impossible
for our consciousness

By doing the concentrations using the PRK-1U device, we intensify the controlling by our consciousness
and develop it.
By doing the concentrations using the PRK-1U device, we intensify the controlling by our consciousness and develop it.

Do the controlling for any creative purpose

Any event
Controlling clairvoyance
Controlling forecasting
Do the controlling for any creative events, including restoration of health.
Develop spiritual strength in order to determine the goal of controlling as a verifiable forecast.
Do the controlling for rejuvenation, and if you`re young, do the controlling for rejuvenation as training and as a preventive measure against aging.
Develop the ability of controlling, when situation can be changed for better with simultaneous browsing, without fixating unfavorable events.
The device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U three-mode enables the development of the following concentrations of eternal life:

Controlling by
one’s consciousness
– is easy now

Define the goal of your controlling
Realization of an event, restoration of health, harmonization in relationships, optimization of affairs, development of various abilities, rejuvenation... Life is presenting many various tasks to us.

The PRK-1U device develops only creative goals.
Carry out the concentrations using the PRK-1U device
Concentrations using the PRK-1U device are done on the lenses of the device, starting from the lens of a smaller diameter to the lenses of a larger diameter counterclockwise.

While concentrating, remember the goal of controlling.
Watch the overview video about the device of development of concentrations PRK-1U
Concentrations using the PRK-1U device can be carried out in the following simple way:
Controlling by one’s consciousness
– is easy now
PRK-1U device remote access

Why use
the PRK-1U device?

Are you unhappy with your job? Set the goal of employment for an appropriate job and do the controlling.

Do you want realization of some event? Set the goal for realization of that event.

Thanks to the methods of concentrations (from the works by Grigori Grabovoi), and even more so by using the PRK-1U device, we can always take controlling actions and improve situations by our consciousness.
There are no incurable diseases for our consciousness! Everything can be restored. Set the goal of curing a disease, normalization of the functioning of organs, restoration of matter, or simply of maintaining the norm of health and work periodically or systematically.

The PRK-1U device is currently not a medical device, but a universal one. I.e. any creative goal that you lay in your mind - will be intensified.
The PRK-1U device is not a medical device and in no way limits your right to consult doctors in state-licensed medical institutions and does not exclude or replace the treatment prescribed by these doctors.

No one can give you 100% guarantee of getting any results when using the PRK-1U device, as well as text, audio and video materials of the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi.

Start controlling the events in your life!

Restore your health on your own

Knowing about the controlling by your consciousness, there are already no more situations for you in which you would feel helpless. You can always help another person, your pet, plants, any element of reality, by setting a thought about it in your concentration.
Help other people
Do you want to optimize your project, solve company problems, improve your efficiency? The PRK-1U device is used by the dentists, doctors, psychologists, directors, programmers, spiritual mentors in different parts of the world. The PRK-1U device is not yet intended to be used for commercial purposes, but you personally can use it to optimize your affairs and business or help other people.

Optimize your work

During the concentrations with the PRK-1U device, consciousness is being developed. In fact, the development of a person, his/her perfecting is related to development of his/her consciousness. And with the development of each person’s consciousness, collective consciousness develops, which means that life and events improve for all elements of reality.

Develop your consciousness – develop yourself!

In using the PRK-1U device, the thinking process is optimized and thinking improves.
While concentrating on the PRK-1U device, you can think about specific tasks and problems. With such concentration, the right solutions will be found faster and new ideas for solutions of the problems will appear.

Optimize your thinking

As your goal of controlling, you may set development of various abilities, for example, development of intelligence, improvement of speech, development of telepathy. In working with the PRK-1U device, a powerful level of increased energy of controlling arises, and due to this, a person’s thought becomes more productive, thinking becomes faster, and according to an existing practice, controlling clairvoyance and controlling forecasting develop.
Develop various abilities
The task of each person is to actively participate in his/her own creative development and, at the same time, to work for the benefit of everyone. A new stage in human development has set for us new tasks of spiritual development - controlling by our consciousness, to develop it actively and to live harmoniously and forever. The more people start doing this, the easier it will be for everyone to cope with these tasks in the future.
Solve the tasks of eternal life

How the PRK-1U device works?

“The sense of the entire patent consists in the fact that thought is considered as a weak light signal, as a light signal that is transmitted through a crystal. In this case, that signal of thought gets to the external lens and, in accordance with the patent “Information-carrying system”, it is transmitted to the internal optical unit.

The internal unit of the PRK-1U device is constructed in accordance with the patent “Method for prevention of catastrophes and device for its realization.”
The device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U three-mode was created by Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi in accordance with his patents “Method for prevention of catastrophes and device for its realization” and “Information-carrying system”.
And the signal, that goes from a thought, it is processed due to the optical transmissions of light, then the electric, magnetic, i.e. electromagnetic field is added due to microelectronic components.

And further on, the principle of duality is used, which exists in physics, i.e. any matter can be considered as a wave and as a particle.”
Grigori Grabovoi
Safety Certificate of the PRK-1U device issued by “Vinča Institute”

The PRK-1U device has the following certificates:

Certificate for Electromagnetic Compatibility and safety from the “Idvorsky Laboratories”
CE certificate of conformity of PRK-1U with the provisions of the European Union Directive
The device generates matter of eternal life.
Because of this distinctive field, the switched-on device has an effect within a radius of three meters and has a positive effect on any object within this radius and protects against negative information even without concentrations on the lenses.
Being near the switched-on PRK-1U device within a radius of three meters has a positive effect on memorizing and better understanding the works by Grigori Grabovoi, as a person’s mental activity improves.
It generates matter of eternal life
It optimizes thinking

Interesting facts about the PRK-1U device

Sign up for a 2-day free testing of PRK-1U
Without any kind of a system of increasing the material structures, there is the third impulse periodic mode inside the device. Wherein, this mode is activated by the device scheme itself.
Two switches - three modes
For example, with a rapid increase in load, which requires amplification of the static phase of reality, the device, through the functions of machine artificial intelligence and communication with a duplicative device, can switch to a static mode (the second operating mode of the device).
It has the function of artificial intelligence
The PRK-1U device has the function of interacting with Consciousness. It is exactly the adaptability of technology to Consciousness that enables fulfilling a complete control over it, which creates safety of this type of technique.
It reacts to thought
In the PRK-1U device, there`s the function of control over the forthcoming events laid in, specifically in terms of providing for eternal life. And a certain consequence of the action of this technique - is precisely the realization of eternal life for all.
Control over the forthcoming events
The PRK-1U device can be turned on incessantly. There are no limitations in the operating time of the device. Thus, the device can be used for unlimited time.
It can be turned on incessantly

Reviews about the PRK-1U device

Rita P.
August 2023
You know what happiness is life without an eczema…I`ve been suffering for over 10 years, and now it`s gone and I`m using my favourite perfume again… I`ve forgotten the way to the clinic for skin diseases. I`ve stopped visiting my family doctor, the allergy has disappeared, there`s been a mastopathy of the right breast, it no longer bothers me and apparently a rejuvenation has occurred, since my menstruation became regular as at 18 years. I`m 63… I apologize for a revelation… and also, I have much more energy, earlier I couldn`t have played tennis for more than an hour, and now I don`t get tired and I can even play for 2 hours. I became younger, obviously not aged 63, as in my passport. I had wrinkles on my knees, now they`re gone. I`ve worked by the well-known methods and a number sequence for rejuvenation on the PRK-1U device. I work more for the macro-salvation and for the tasks since February 24, 2022, than I use all the new number sequences for rejuvenation, so apparently, due to rejuvenation, my health is normalized.
Earlier, I`ve often quarreled with my partner, and since there is the PRK-1u device at home, there are such Harmony Love Understanding, we no longer argue, and even all the houseplants have begun to blossom more often and they`re such healthy and splendid, it hasn`t been so before.
I`m in love with this magical device PRK-1U. I am thankful to Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi, Marinochka and All the Like-minded people, forgive me for the mistakes.
Anna K.
June 2023
I’ve been using the physical device for 5 years already, and of course, I have many results of controlling achieved, but for me, it is more important that I notice my development and I will tell exactly about it: I`m seeing some things in another way, from a higher level of consciousness; what used to be acceptable to me, now no longer is; I cognize my matters and deal with them more often; first, not on purpose, I`ve become a vegetarian, and then a vegan; I`ve begun to see and understand some of my not very good characteristics of character and behavior; my intuition`s developed greatly and from time to time I notice manifestation of clairvoyance; I`ve become fully aware of the correctness of the idea and purpose of eternal life, I accepted it with all its essence and I decided to systematically provide it for myself and for everyone by using the device and other methods by Grigori Grabovoi. And this is a real work that takes time and systematic effort. I recommend everyone to use the device PRK-1U!
Valentina H.
June 2022
Last week, I decided to buy myself new glasses, because I began to see badly in the old ones. I checked my eyesight, I received a written out prescription, I went to make a purchase and asked to have diopters of my old glasses seen for comparison. What a surprise it was for the doctor that my new glasses turned out to be with lower diopters. It was 3.5, and I took 3, and I was choosing between 3 and 2.5. The doctor said that with age, vision improves only if there is a cataract. I read to her all the small texts that were on the sheet and she was very surprised. She said that it is something abnormal, it simply can`t be, it`s necessary to check the eyes for cataracts. What the cataract could it be about! I stopped wearing distance glasses at all! It is the result of working on the PRK-1U device! It filled me with such enthusiasm! Thanks to Grigori Petrovich for such a wondrous device. I wanted to tell her about PRK-1U, but I didn’t dare, I felt that she wouldn’t believe it!
Elena S.
September 2021
My daughter has washed the phone in the washing machine at 60 degrees with a centrifuge (along with bed linen) for 2 hours. The master`s told – it`s not recoverable, it`s necessary to change all the details. I concentrated on the device with the number sequence 81371421331914 and 444 - for restoring the functions of the phone. 3 days later, the phone turned on. But the camera didn't work well. I continued to work. On the following day the camera started working perfectly. A month later, the microphone was restored in the phone. Smartphone Huawei P30 full restoration of all functions (3 cameras, speaker, microphone). The number sequences, that were used in that controlling, according to the followers of Grigori Grabovoi, were given to them during a personal meeting. Controlling for all household chores: 81371421331914. Eternal functioning of all technical objects: 444.
Theodora I.
June 2023
I use my physical device for my work also, among other things - I optimize the creation of my projects and designs. I discovered, that with the device, one can also optimize one`s thinking and, in such way, find the best solution for the situation. One evening, I took the device for controlling, but instead of the usual goal of concentration, I thought intensively about creating a project (while working on it, a difficult situation`s occurred and I couldn`t have solved it for several years) to resolve this situation. In the morning, I was as if pushed by a great idea, thanks to which the problem was perfectly solved!
Larisa F.
July 2017
We have 4 grapevines growing at our dacha. But after wintering, one vine didn`t grow leaves, so dark empty branches were there. My husband said that the vine should be removed, to which I replied that I wanted to awaken life in that branch with the help of PRK-1U. “Well, try it”, he replied. At the beginning of July, I approached the grape bushes three times during the week and did the following: I transferred the information of life from healthy bushes to that bare bush and intensified the controlling on PRK-1U. I spent only a few seconds on these concentrations. Not getting an instant result, I left the vine at peace. And then a miracle! After about 10 days, i.e. already in the second half of summer, the first small leaves appeared. The vine came to life!
I give my deep gratefulness to Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi for efficacious technologies.
Elena S.
November 2021
I had a big event, once again confirming the actuality of results of working by the methods of G.P. Grabovoi! A mole of my daughter E. disappeared!!! She was examined by an oncologist. He suggested removing/surgical treatment. The work was carried out by me on the PRK-1U device every day since February 2021 for the goals "Reduction and disappearing of a mole", "Healthy skin 519 606 901 319". From the beginning, the mole dried up, shrank, and then fell off. Marina Morozkina helped me formulate the goal, thanks. My daughter is in the subject, she`s practising the Teaching, she`s interested and very supportive of me. And of course, she`s very happy with such result.
Konstantin V.
August 2020
The PRK-1U personal device was in my office in the polyclinic - it was a red zone, i.e. a place where patients with complaints of fever, cough, and impaired sense of smell were examined. The device has been in the building of the polyclinic for three months and during this period the medical staff that worked in the red zone did not get sick. In the polyclinic, three doctors fell ill and suffered a mild illness [coronavirus]. In the polyclinic, which is located nearby, during these three months there were seven deaths among the medical staff. (according to an employee of the institution). Before the May holidays, the device was taken out of the polyclinic building and it was noted that number of patients (for the same period of time, three months), from May to July, increased three times approximately. This clearly shows the possibilities of using the PRK-1U device for prevention and treatment of coronavirus infection.
Marina Z.
January 2019
Somehow it`s already become ordinary to restore either my body or anyone else`s. But the restoration of equipment – for me, it`s still a joyful event. It happened so, that in the autumn, in a downpour, our car stalled in the most inopportune place. My husband decided that it seemed as it was because of the accumulator. We were sitting, the rain was drumming on the roof ... I somehow internally gathered myself and with confidence, without the slightest doubt, made the controlling: I transferred all the information of our car into the liquid phase of information, fixated three points on it, put three rods on them, then a command - our car is in absolute order, it`s in the divine norm, provides for safe movement for us and everyone. Well, that`s what came to my mind. But I decided to as if ensure it: I imagined the PRK-1 U device, got into contact with it, and then mentally connected our car with the PRK-1U device, as two elements of the same type, and our car has the same properties and characteristics as the PRK -1U device. I don’t know where I took this controlling from, but for some reason I decided that it was proper. And there we felt as if a push of our car. My husband tried to start the car – it started up! I have successfully used this controlling, transferring of information from a technical device to a liquid phase, for a laptop, a washing machine.
Galina N.
June 2022
There`ve been many changes in the events, but this line of harmony, stability, alignment of events is felt and present always. I`d like to tell about one almost fantastic, for me, event that took place this spring. It`s about a professional testing in an organization in Armenian, which I speak at the weakest level, and read it even more so. There`ve been 300 questions in the tests, at least 60 to 100 have been supposed to be answered in order not to get laid off, and I am almost 68 years old and each year of working matters to me. I had to work hard on myself so as not to panic. In the book “Number Series for Psychological Normalization”, I found the number sequence Memorization - 298761 519 314; Random memorization - 916899 001; Sensory memory - 3179 0618 91 18; Eidetic memory - 1319 0618 988 171; And I began to work both in front of the switched on device and imagining it mentally. That`s how I`ve basically done the controlling on the go. I had to almost take pictures of the texts, because it took a lot of time to read them. Surrender became a matter of principle for me. It was very important that I mobilized all my will, I saw the accomplished goal that was necessary to me, and all the events associated with it, and it could not be otherwise. I excluded all other events. Everything had to be thus and no other way. I went to this goal, I felt it with my whole body, I saw myself in future events. I`ve also used the POU formula, I often use it and I know that it works flawlessly. And the result was stunning for me - I scored 95 points.
Lyubov S.
May 2022
And also, as a result - at work, we go through a mandatory medical examination every year, I always worry a lot: they call me because of low hemoglobin. That time, in working with the device, for a week I`ve laid the idea that I would pass easily and I would be allowed to work, that hemoglobin was normal, I`ve  concentrated on the sequence 2154321, on the sequence 5189999 and also for the norm of laboratory parameters 1489999 - as a result, I`ve done an ultrasound in the medical center, where there haven`t been my data - the ultrasound`s showed that everything`s been fine - and I also received the admission to work, the first time I haven`t been called because of hemoglobin, which means that everything is well there as well!!! Huge thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vadim S.
February 2019
In February 2019, at the production site, where I work on a lathe ЧПУ 16А20ФЗ, a chip got into one of the aggregates of the lathe “three-jaw chuck” and I could not replace the “cams” - a gear for gripping a part. After some production manipulations, the system was slightly unblocked, but the device could not be replaced. A break was soon, and I decided that after the break, I might have to disassemble the entire system. But, during the break, the thought has come that I`m studying the Teaching about Salvation, and that I need to put it into practice - and I`ve used the methods of working with PRK-1U, which we repeatedly practice at the beginning of each webinar at the Education Center. And I sensed, felt: "THE CONTROLLING IS ON". After the break, I started to unscrew it - it went right away effortlessly, a friend came up and said: “you will unscrew it now”, and I already knew that I would unblock it! I unscrewed it quickly and easily - the system was unblocked. Another came up and said: “Thank God!”.
Anzhelika B.
July 2023.
On June 5, my daughter played volleyball and fell poorly on her left arm, left wrist joint. We went to the hospital. They took an X-ray, which showed nothing. My daughter's hand continued to ache. We thought that it was a slight stretch. At the end of June, she began to complain of severe pain in her hand, she couldn`t take anything with her hand. I took her to my medical center, where they took 4 X-rays in different projections, which showed a fracture of the navicular bone of the left wrist joint. After examination by an orthopedic surgeon, they didn`t put a cast, it was recommended to wear a corset on the arm for 3 weeks and to visit the doctor again. We bought a corset. My daughter either put it on, or didn’t. In the last week, she didn't ware a corset at all. For all that time, I`ve been working for materialization of the navicular bone and all the hard and soft tissues of the left wrist joint and the entire left arm as a whole. I worked not much, not every day, but I worked calmly, I worked out all the methods for materialization from the book on resurrection, calmly with and without the device. Today, on July 25, we`ve been at the doctor`s, they took 4 X-rays again. And the doctor`s been very surprised with how could have, such a zigzag complete transverse fracture of the entire bone (it’s good that without displacement), healed so quickly, a few millimeters remained only at one edge. Thanks to Grigori Petrovich!
Dina K.
August 2017
I achieved the result; a rapid recovery of bone and muscle tissue of Dzivaeva Evangelina Mikhailovna, 31.05.1981, date of birth / from bedsores in the coccyx area measuring 12cmX7cm, deep almost to the bone and in the area of the heels, superficial rounded with a diameter of 4 cm in the Department of Neurosurgery in Podolsk; Moscow region.
Since 20.07.2017, in the neurological department, the attending doctor`s stated that it takes at least 3 months to treat such bedsores as Eve's in the coccyx. Since Eva came after 2 operations for non-traumatic subarachnoid-parenchymal hemorrhage. Rupture of an aneurysm of the right ICA, dated 30.04.2017, tracheostomy. Condition after decompressive craniotomy, aneurysm clipping from 02.05.2017. Ventriculo-peritoneal shunting from 26.06.2017. The restoration of tissues required a short time, since no medical institution didn`t take on for rehabilitation with such deep bedsores. I myself am in the Teaching, but due to the heavy workload at work, I asked my friend Zaseeva B.K. to help me in restoring Eva's tissues. We jointly conducted a concentration on the basis of our consciousness, using the PRK-1U technical device, on July 28, 2017. We combined the technologies of consciousness with massage of the limbs and the whole body. As a result of using the methods and technologies of eternal life, by using PRK-1U, from July 30 to August 8, 2017, in 9 days the area of the bedsore in the coccyx area decreased from 12cmX12cmX7cm to 3cmX3cmX2cm, on the heels the area of the bedsore was 3x4x2, the skin was completely renewed. We achieved all that thanks to the Teaching of G.P. Grabovoi, technologies of eternal life and due to using the PRK-1U device, which are very effective and help then, when medicine is powerless.

− remote access to 3 devices for 4 years
− access to the internet library with the works by Grigori Grabovoi for 4 years
− remote access to 3 devices for 4 years
− access to the internet library with the works by Grigori Grabovoi for 4 years
− all materials on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi on an USB flash drive
− the PRK-1U device
− remote access to 3 devices for 4 years
− access to the internet library with the works by Grigori Grabovoi for 4 years
− all materials on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi on an USB flash drive
− the PRK-1U device with diamonds
€1 212
€9 700
€10 700

Physical device PRK-1U with diamonds

Remote access to the PRK-1U device

Physical device PRK-1U

First, you’re testing the device via the Internet
After the testing of the device, you fill out a protocol of testing
Send an application for the selected type of a sublicense agreement
Sign the sublicense agreement and pay
1 participant/ 4 years
up to 8 participants/4 years
up to 8 participants/4 years
Step-by-step instruction:

Types of sublicense agreements PRK-1U

The PRK-1U devices are given for use along with the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi on the basis of sublicense agreements.
Submit an application for the PRK-1U device
The first step in signing a PRK-1U sublicense agreement is testing of the device. The PRK-1U device is configured to your personal data and for this you need to provide your first name, last name and date of birth.
By clicking on the button, you agree to the privacy policy

Free testing
of the PRK-1U device

Everyone interested can undergo a two-day free testing of the device in order to make a decision on concluding a PRK-1U sublicense agreement. Each person can undergo this testing only once.
After agreeing on a testing date, you will receive access to the testing page and you may carry out concentrations unlimitedly for two days.
Sign up for a 2-day free testing
The distributor will contact you and provide all the information. The PRK-1U device is configured to your personal data and for this you need to provide your first name, last name and date of birth.
After undergoing the testing, you must fill out a testing protocol.
If after a 2-day free testing you wish to undergo another testing of the PRK-1U device, it will last 90 minutes and will be paid (100 euros).

The PRK-1U device is created by Grigori Grabovoi

Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi (14.11.1963, Bogara village, Kazakh SSR) is a scientist, inventor, academician, clairvoyant, the author of the discovery of the creating field of information and original works on forecasting the future events, their controlling, correcting, the Author of his Teaching "About Salvation and Harmonious Development", the inventor of the PRK-1U device.
With the PRK-1U device, you will obtain access to the internet library of the Education Center for the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi and you can study the Education Program and learn various methods of controlling on your own.

You can perform these methods using the PRK-1U device, and you can also use the device for cognizing the information, written in the works.

The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi

More than 350 works by Grigori Grabovoi on various spheres of life activities, in which the controlling methods and information for cognition are given.
Special methods of controlling the events - mental or spiritual, or emanating from the Soul, that are based on concentrations.
The entire apparatus of the Teaching has the character of general creativity and represents by itself technologies of providing eternal life for all simultaneously.
Concentrations are not difficult to perform and any person can perform them without restrictions and do the controlling of the events, rejuvenate, heal and develop harmoniously on his/her own.
Methods of cognition
Methods of controlling
Technologies of eternal life
Education for all

Learn more
about the PRK-1U device

Answers to frequently asked questions
If you haven't found an answer to a question of your interest about the PRK-1U device, you can ask it in the form below.
The PRK-1U device has been created and operates on the basis of patents by Grigori Grabovoi “Method for prevention of catastrophes and device for its realization” and “Information-carrying system”. You can learn about descriptions of patents on the link.
Important information: The PRK-1U device is not a medical device and in no way limits your right to consult doctors in state-licensed medical institutions and does not exclude or replace the treatment prescribed by these doctors.

No one can give you 100% guarantee of getting any results when using the PRK-1U device, as well as text, audio and video materials of the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi.
Are you ready for controlling?
Write to us
Order a free testing of the device
Write an application for a PRK-1U sublicense agreement
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